Each of your customers is unique and interacts with your company differently. Rather than following traditional marketing efforts like shouting generic marketing messages in your leads’ faces, lets move into the new era of personalized conversational marketing.
According to CMO by Adobe, “marketing automation drives a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead.”
Marketing automation allows you to reach leads that are currently in the decision-making process and covert them into customers. With your marketing team, we can create sales automation processes that ensure your business sees increases in productivity without seeing increases in costs.
At Running Robots, we’re partial to Active Campaign. This platform offers a suite of sophisticated tools that work together seamlessly. It has a simple, user-friendly interface along with many platform integration options (such as task management systems). We have one goal in mind with marketing automation: increase your bottom line.
Features of Sales Automation Processes
The benefits of marketing automation speak for themselves. However, how are these benefits achieved? The exceptional features of sales automation allow your team to reach a wider customer base that can be converted into paying customers.
- Create automation notifications for your sales team based on specific actions completed by leads
- Send specific coupons based on your customer’s interests
- Request automated referrals and customer feedback
- Automatically tag leads and create customer segmentation groups based on interest and/or customer actions
- Remarket to customers who have made purchases in the past
- Incentivize leads to nuture people who return multiple times without making a purchase
Features of Marketing Automation Processes
- Ability to capture more leads and nurture them into paying customers
- Notify sales team of specific actions that require their attention
- Easily create customer segmentation groups
- Keep all customer data in one organized database
- Prove end-to-end ROI of marketing efforts
- Improve relationship between sales team and marketing department
We’re automation + CRM experts.
When we opened our doors, we decided customer would always come first. We want to save you time and money. With automation, we can show you sales automation processes that will help you acquire new customers that may have otherwise fallen out of your lead pipeline.