Where Did Discovery Campaigns Go in Google Ads?

Google Ads Is Always Changing If you’ve been using Google Ads for a while, you might be wondering, “Where did Discovery campaigns disappear to?” Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Google hasn’t eliminated this ad type, but rather transformed it into something even more powerful. What Happened to Discovery Campaigns? In late 2023, Google announced the…

Understanding the Keyword Quality Score in Google Ads PPC A Game-Changer for Your Business

If you’re new to the world of digital marketing, or more specifically, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, you might feel overwhelmed with the multitude of factors and elements that can make or break your campaign. We’ve been covering various Google Ads actions over the past 10 weeks so far. One of these crucial factors is the Keyword…

Improve Your Keyword Performance & Match Types For Your Google Ads

Optimizing Keyword Performance & Match TypesListen to the audio version of this blog: https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/keyword-performance.m4a   Every online marketing strategy revolves around keywords. The right keywords bring in the right audience, and therefore, a successful Google Ads campaign relies on choosing keywords that perform well. Week 3 of our Google Ads tutorial series is here, and…

Why Search Term Audits are the Secret Sauce to PPC Success

Hello world! (isn’t that how all new blogs start?)Listen to the audio of this article here: https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/search-term-audits.m4a   Today we’re going to peel back the layers of the often complicated world of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Specifically, we’re focusing on one key ingredient to ensuring your PPC campaigns are as successful as they can be: search…

The 17 Actions You Or Your Agency Should Be Doing For Your Google Ads Account (In Plain English!)

Intro to improving your Google Ads performanceListen to this article on Running Robots Radio Audio Blog: https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/17_PPC_optimizations.m4a Read Time: 7 Minutes   There will be a future when AI has taken over, robots run everything, Sarah Conner (Terminator, very anti-robot!) was finally accepted as a lunatic and PPC accounts optimize themselves. Until that future, work…