Explain the process for bulk import/export

WordPress and WooCommerce provide methods to import pages/products into their site, however, we Running Robots feel that WP All Import plugin package provides an extended and more advanced platform for importing your data. Setting up your import for thousands of pages, posts or products is very similar to creating a singular post manually. You use…

How to properly optimize images

Why speed matters Bounce rate. If you have never heard that expression, it is what happens when you visit a site and leave it, or ‘bounce’ immediately. We want to capture a user as quickly as possibly once they land on your site. If the site takes too long to load, users lose faith in…

How to add new pages to the Menu

Log in to your WordPress dashboard Select “Menus” from the drop-down menu under Appearances If you have more than one menu, find the menu you wish to edit in the dropdown box Click the boxes for the pages you want to include in your new menu then click Add to Menu. Don’t forget to toggle…

How to add a pop up message or notification bar

There are multiple methods to creating pop up messages and notification bars. I highly recommend Convert Pro for those that do not have Elementor on your site. However, to save on page speed, those with Elementor, I would skip adding another plugin and use the functionality that already exists on your site.   Follow these…

How to process a refund in WooCommerce

Login to the backend of your site. In the black sidebar, hover over WooCommerce and click on Orders. Select the Order you wish to refund. Once the order is open scroll down to the order review section. In the bottom left corner you will see a refund button. (If this is not showing for you,…

How to set up shipping zones in WooCommerce

A Shipping Zone is a geographical area to which you ship items. You can get as specific as you need, right down to regions and zip codes, or you can leave it more general. Adding and managing zones Adding a New Zone Go to: WooCommerce > Settings in the blackside bar menu Once WooCommerce Settings are…