Location Targeting in Google Ads: A Beginner’s Guide

Listen to the audio version of this article: https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/location_targeting.m4a If you’ve ever tried searching for a restaurant or a service near you, you’ve likely encountered ads that are specific to your current location. That’s not magic; that’s location targeting in action. In the vast world of Google Ads, location targeting (often referred to as geo-targeting)…


A Deep Dive into Google Ads Conversion Actions: The Technical Perspective

A Deep Dive into Google Ads Conversion Actions: The Technical Perspective Listen to this article in audio blog form below: https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/conversion_action_ch.m4a Navigating the realm of Google Ads can be akin to traversing a digital labyrinth, especially when we talk about the intricacies of conversion actions. They are more than just fancy terms or jargon; they…


Bid Optimizations & Adjustments: Maximizing Your Google Ads ROI

Bid Optimizations & Adjustments: Maximizing Your Google Ads ROIListen to this week’s blog in audio format below! https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/bid_adjustment.m4a Running a business is no small task. Between managing operations, customer service, and your products or services, diving deep into the nuances of online advertising might not always make the top of your priority list. However, understanding…


Understanding the Keyword Quality Score in Google Ads PPC A Game-Changer for Your Business

If you’re new to the world of digital marketing, or more specifically, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, you might feel overwhelmed with the multitude of factors and elements that can make or break your campaign. We’ve been covering various Google Ads actions over the past 10 weeks so far. One of these crucial factors is the Keyword…


Unleashing the Power of Ad Extensions in PPC Advertising (Google Ads)

Welcome To Week 9 of our Google Ads Series!Listen to the audio version of this blog below! https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/week_9_ad_extensions.m4a Today, we’re going to delve into the world of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising (specifically Google Ads, but the PPC fundamentals are the same for Bing etc.) and explore a potent tool in Google Ads called Ad Extensions (or…


The Comprehensive Guide to Google Ads PPC: Unraveling and Resolving Ad Copy Warnings

Caution!Listen to the audio version of this blog below! https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ad_copy_warning.m4a Navigating the landscape of Google Ads Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can seem daunting, especially when confronted with Ad Copy Warnings. These automated messages indicate a need for adjustment in your ad content. To make this process smoother, we have compiled an in-depth guide on understanding and…


Unraveling the Mystery of Landing Pages in PPC: Your Key to Google Ads Success

Can I Have Your Attention Please?Listen to the audio version of this blog post below! https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/landing-page-1.m4a   Have you ever wondered why some online ads catch your eye and make you want to learn more, while others just feel like a letdown? The secret lies in the “landing page” – the special webpage that appears…


The Power of Words: 5 Steps to Mastering Ad Copy Review for Google Ads

Listen to the audio blog version of this article below   https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ad-copy.m4a   In the world of Google Ads, words are your power tool. They serve as your representative, your salesperson, and your influencer (sorry to use that word ugh!); all packed into a couple of lines and few characters. Crafting the perfect Google ad…


Decoding the Mystery of Google Ads: Keyword Status Warnings

Week 4: Decoding the Mystery of Google Ads: Keyword Status WarningsListen to the audio blog version of this article:   https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/keyword-status-warni.m4a   Imagine you’re planning a party and you’ve made a list of all the people you want to invite. But, what if your invitations don’t reach some of your friends because their addresses are…


Improve Your Keyword Performance & Match Types For Your Google Ads

Optimizing Keyword Performance & Match TypesListen to the audio version of this blog: https://runningrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/keyword-performance.m4a   Every online marketing strategy revolves around keywords. The right keywords bring in the right audience, and therefore, a successful Google Ads campaign relies on choosing keywords that perform well. Week 3 of our Google Ads tutorial series is here, and…
